The Shampoo Hair Color Debate

Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 22:11:06 -0700 (MST)
From: Shouryu Nohe 
Subject: Shampoo's hair
Reply-To: ranma

Sorry, my friends, but whomever said that Shampie's hair was blue was 
quite wrong.  Takahashi Rumiko herself has confirmed that Sham-chan's 
hair is purple.  Please adjust the tint setting on your televisions :) !
Just had to toss that in there.

Shouryuzani Nohe

"Yeah, rite, Ryoga!  You couldn't find your way to the bathroom without 
getting lost!!!"


Message-ID: <01BC1272.8E6533A0@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: Are you blind?
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 07:27:44 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Shouryuzani wrote:

>Sorry, my friends, but whomever said that Shampie's hair was blue was 
>quite wrong.  Takahashi Rumiko herself has confirmed that Sham-chan's 
>hair is purple.  Please adjust the tint setting on your televisions :) !
>Just had to toss that in there.
>Shouryuzani Nohe

It's truly a sad day when you have to declare that the creator of your favorite 
series is WRONG!!! Are you blind?? It's BLUE! Admittedly, it may appear 
purple in certain instances, but that issue has already been satisfactorily 
explained. As you can see for yourself, the majority of the time that Shampoo
appears in the anime, her hair is BLUE, NOT purple. 

It truly hurts me to have to go against Rumiko Takahashi by sayinng this, but
I must do what I have to do. I cannot sit idly by and watch this falsehood be

Jason Hicks


From: "Seth Indermill" 
To: "Ranma ML" 
Subject: Shamp's hair
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 10:42:14 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

>It's truly a sad day when you have to declare that the creator of your
>series is WRONG!!! Are you blind?? It's BLUE! Admittedly, it may appear 
>purple in certain instances, but that issue has already been
>explained. As you can see for yourself, the majority of the time that
>appears in the anime, her hair is BLUE, NOT purple. 
>It truly hurts me to have to go against Rumiko Takahashi by sayinng this,
>I must do what I have to do. I cannot sit idly by and watch this falsehood

True, at some times Shanpuu's hair does appear to be very blue.  Watch her
intro in the anime, indoors her hair is blue-purple with the emphasis on
blue, outdoors at night it is absolute 100% purple.  How about for the sake
of argument we just call it blue-purple.

Founder Clan 19
Umbrellord of Ryoga
The 5th Unlucky God Martial Artist- Sitai Kel
Wielder of the throwing Kodachi, very multi-purpose
Somewhat Defender of the 7th Gate
Member Nuclear Destruction Quake Clan
"Oh, no!!  The Zebras are escaping!"


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 04:58:02 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <>
Subject: Re: ranma ML 1 hour matome okuri
Reply-To: ranma

And another ex-lurker posts:

> Sorry, my friends, but whomever said that Shampie's hair was blue was 
> quite wrong.  Takahashi Rumiko herself has confirmed that Sham-chan's 
> hair is purple.  Please adjust the tint setting on your televisions :) !
> Just had to toss that in there.
> Shouryuzani Nohe

Grrrr....   Yeah, we know all about the supposed fact.  However, never 
let facts stand in the way of empirical evidence.  Watch some episodes-- 
Shampoo's hair is definately more a blue tone than purple, at any time.  
Perhaps an odd cerulean tone, but definitely more blue than purple.  
Maybe we oughta have a word with the animators.....


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 11:21:57 -0700
From: Wayne Koski 
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Shampoo's Hair Color
Reply-To: ranma

Say, if her hair is blue-purple, we could call it blurple. ;)



rom: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: More hair!
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 13:59:18 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Seth wrote:

>True, at some times Shanpuu's hair does appear to be very blue.  Watch her
>intro in the anime, indoors her hair is blue-purple with the emphasis on
>blue, outdoors at night it is absolute 100% purple.  How about for the sake
>of argument we just call it blue-purple.

We will accept NO compromise on this issue. Look in the anime. Shampoo's hair 
is BLUE. Not purple. NOT blurple! It's blue!

Jason Hicks


Message-ID: <01BC12B0.70414100@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: Public Service Announcement
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 15:29:15 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

        Since there seems to be an abundant number of people out there
        with color blindness, this is a public service announcement to inform
        the public of the Ranma ML that SHampoo's hair is BLUE, not purple.
        BLUE, not blue-purple. BLUE, not blurple. BLUE, NOT Sham-plue!!

        Please take this advisory into consideration. Thank you.

        Jason Hicks
        RANMA RPG ML


Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 23:05:44 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Violet-Poo

Jason Hicks said:

And I thought it was violet... :P
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo


ate: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 15:27:12 -0700
From: Wayne Koski 
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re:  Public Sevice Announcement
Reply-To: ranma

Jason Hicks wrote:

>Since there seems to be an abundant number of people out there
>with color blindness, this is a public service announcement to inform
>the public of the Ranma ML that SHampoo's hair is BLUE, not purple.
>BLUE, not blue-purple. BLUE, not blurple. BLUE, NOT Sham-plue!!

>Please take this advisory into consideration. Thank you.

I didn't think that my clowning around with blurple as Shampoo's
hair color would bother anyone.  I was just being silly.  In no
way did I mean this as any form of an attack against Shampoo.

I guess the Tennant debacle has gotten everybody on edge in this
ML, to such things being preceived as an attack against their
favorite character.

So to you Jason, and to any others who are a fan of Shampoo,
I apologize for my actions.



Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 17:09:45 -0600
From: Dan Rohrs 
Subject: Re: The crisis of SHampoo's hair
Reply-To: ranma

Jason Hicks wrote:
>As a Founding Member of the Worshippers of Shampoo, I feel it is my >duty to point
>out that Shampoo's hair is in fact BLUE, and NOT purple.

*Sigh* Jason, Jason, Jason.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to dye
dark hair BLUE???? I mean, you can stain hair a purplish color(Purple is
Katie's favorite color).  We've no idea how Manic Panic blue's look.  Or
work.  We know that Vampire Red makes her hair burgundy.  It's too
expensive to buy alone. . . But if we all agree on one color(Wich we
usually do)(And there's a great varity of hair color to test it on:
Mousy brown, blonde, almost black. . . )it's only two dollars a person.
. . Otherwise it's eight bucks.  ANd if something doesn't work. . .
That's eight bucks.
        As for money: We'll rely on Kunou's paycheck, he _NEEDS_ something to
spend it on anyway!  (KIdding) But anything else you can get us, we'd
greatly appriciate.
        thanks for everything!
Peace, Love, and Penguins!


Message-ID: <01BC12BF.97B97AE0@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: BAM!!
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 17:15:25 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Ruben wrote:

>public of the Ranma ML that SHampoo's hair is BLUE, not purple. BLUE,
>not blue-purple. BLUE, not blurple. BLUE, NOT Sham-plue!!>>
>And I thought it was violet... :P

Kuro-Neko beats the bejesus out of Ruben

Silly boy! You're being spiteful again!

Jason Hicks


Message-ID: <01BC12C6.37970540@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: ITS BLUE, DAMMIT!!!
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 18:06:56 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

John wrote:

>It looks violet to me.

That's it! We're taking names down now! Shampoo's hair is BLUE, NOT violet!!!


It's not violet, purple, blue-purple, blurple, OR Sham-plue!!!!

You people have eyes (I'm assuming)!!!! Why can't you see????

Methinks there's gonna have to be something done about this... Though of 
course, I expect this from Ruben, as he's just doing this to spite me, but
the rest of you should know better!

Jason Hicks


Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 16:27:37 -0800
From: Don Wang 
Reply-To: Don Wang 
Subject: Question on Shampoo's hair color

Just wondering.  What are you basing the hair color on?  Anime?  Manga
watercolors?  Or something else?

        From the water colors, Shampoo's hair color looks like blue and a few
other colors I couldn't remember.  Of course, Akane's hair color, in
that case, can be anything from black, blue, brown, and a brown-green
kind of color.

Message-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 19:33:35 -0500
From: ==Miyu== 
Subject: Reply to Wayne; it's PURPLE DAMMIT!

Wayne wrote :

>I guess the Tennant debacle has gotten everybody on edge in this
>ML, to such things being preceived as an attack against their
>favorite character.
>So to you Jason, and to any others who are a fan of Shampoo,
>I apologize for my actions.

Nah, he's always like this. ^_-  You don't have to apologize to Hicksy,
for he thinks Shampoo's hair is blue, when we can all see that it's

(AKA Olu-chan)

OLA Wielder of the Holy Quad-Powered Super Nailgun and Larva fire

"You've made your choice then."
"NOT REMOTELY!!" for Final Fantasy related threads


Message-ID: <01BC12CF.4317E160@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: We got bad communication, here...
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 19:02:07 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Don wrote:

>> explained. As you can see for yourself, the majority of the time that Shampoo
>> appears in the anime, her hair is BLUE, NOT purple.
>       Isn't it black?

Anime, Don. Anime.

>> Please tell me this is a sick joke...Is this how ALL CASKET members view this
>> situation? Shampoo doesn't hate Akane so much as she LOVES Ranma. Why
>> don't you people ever look at it from THAT perspective?
>       Nah... she at least can't like Akane a lot.  I mean, they're
>competeting for Ranma, after all, just as the same reason as Ukyou and
>Kodachi would never really get along well with Akane (except at the end,
>when Ukyou seems to drop out from the fiancee race. in my opinion, that

Either way, the situation between Shampoo and Akane is the same as between
Ryouga and Ranma.

>> >>The best ending theme of the Ranma 1/2 series?
>       Hmmm... how did I miss this?  
>       Hinegashi (Red Poppy), the 7th ending song, if I'm not mistaken.

Well, it's all opinion, anyway... _I_ just happen to prefer Lambada Ranma.

>> SPAM?!?! This is what the ML is all about! It's Ranma related, so it doesn't
>> constitute as SPAM! And don't feel obligated to do this! I won't eat your soul
>> or anything if you can't think up a quote or don't want to!  It's all about fun.
>> I just decide to bring things like this up occassionally, that's all!
>       If it's Ranma related, it should be okay.
>       But certainly this ML is not designed for SPAM...

What I meant that to be taken as was, "SPAM?! This isn't SPAM!!"

These 'kinds of Ranma related topics' are what the ML is all about...

>Just wondering.  What are you basing the hair color on?  Anime?  Manga
>watercolors?  Or something else?

Dang it, Don, I ALREADY said the anime! And in most cases where you see 
posters or calendars with Shampoo, her hair is usually blue, though of course there
are ALWAYS exeptions.


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 20:12:56 -0500 (EST)
From: Jeremy Lopett 
Subject: Shampoo's hair
Reply-To: ranma

It's blue.  LOOK at it. It's not purple.  
AND IT SURE AS HELL ISN'T BLACK!!!! I'm not sure why someone would post
that, but they did.  


Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 13:09:17 +1100 (EDT)
From: Caroline Seawright 
Subject: Shampoo's hair colour
Reply-To: ranma

> >It looks violet to me.
> That's it! We're taking names down now! Shampoo's hair is BLUE, NOT violet!!!
> It's not violet, purple, blue-purple, blurple, OR Sham-plue!!!!
> You people have eyes (I'm assuming)!!!! Why can't you see????
> Methinks there's gonna have to be something done about this... Though of 
> course, I expect this from Ruben, as he's just doing this to spite me, but
> the rest of you should know better!

Okay. Lets have a look at this.

Who out of the people who are arguing about hair colour use American

There is a standard for American tv called NTSC. This means that there are
more frames, but you also end up with colour bleeding, and the colours not
being exactly the same whenever you watch something (like jpg files).
Hence NTSC is often said to stand for "Never The Same Colour".

Now, if you want to argue about colours, you can't argue if you've only
seen the videos in NTSC. You have to have a standard like PAL.

PAL has less frames, but the colour stays exactly the same, all the time.
And there is no colour bleeding, either ... it's also got a higher res
than NTSC, too, I believe.

This means that you have to watch the video in PAL to see the exact hair
colour - and only if you do that, can you state that "Shampoo's hair
colour is !" ... Because on NTSC, you can only say that "Shampoo's
hair colour, on my video, seems to be  right now."

And if you have SeaCam, don't bother. ;p


ate: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 20:20:19 -0700 (MST)
From: Shouryu Nohe 
Subject: >sigh< I don' beleev dis...
Reply-To: ranma

Okay...lets just say something and hope we put it to sleep, shall we?  
Mr. Jason Hicks, I say that Shampoo's hair is purple.  I say this because 
Ms. Takahashi intended it to be that way, and the TINT setting on my 
television is set in the middle.  However, you and others insist that it 
is blue, blue-purple, blurple (isn't that a hiccup and a burp at the same 
time?), etc.  Okay, that's fine.  We are all people with minds of our 
own, and if we want to believe Shampoo's hair is Strawberry Ash Blonde, 
then we'll believe that's it's strawberry ash blonde.  
        My point is, Okay already, you've stated that you state that it's 
blue.  (Yes, I realize that sounded redundant and that it was 
redundant.)  I'm not going to argue with you, and nobody else needs to, 
because you're entitled to say what you like.  So are we.  So...please, 
can we give it a rest, neh?
        I never realized my comment would spark Nabs said in 
The Two Akanes...Whoopsie!
        (Some of you take this a bit too seriously, mind you.)
        Anyhow, sorry to have started this.  Hope this ends it.


                                                Shouryu Nohe

        (What the hell does baka mean?  I watched the dubbed stuff...)


Subject: Re: El pelo de Shampoo es azul!
Message-ID: <>
From: (Ted Wang)
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 22:28:59 EST
Reply-To: ranma

>>It's truly a sad day when you have to declare that the creator of
>>series is WRONG!!! Are you blind?? It's BLUE! Admittedly, it may appear

>>purple in certain instances, but that issue has already
>>explained. As you can see for yourself, the majority of the time
>>appears in the anime, her hair is BLUE, NOT purple. 
>>It truly hurts me to have to go against Rumiko Takahashi by sayinng
>>I must do what I have to do. I cannot sit idly by and watch this
falsehood be
>True, at some times Shanpuu's hair does appear to be very blue.  Watch
>intro in the anime, indoors her hair is blue-purple with the emphasis on
>blue, outdoors at night it is absolute 100% purple.  How about for the
>of argument we just call it blue-purple.

Seeing as how Jason is alone in this one I must say this. I thought I
settled this back in December! Shampoo's hair is blue damnit! El pelo de
Shampoo es azul! SuD jIb! Not violet. Not purple. Not Sham-blue! I
concluded this due to incandescent color randomnice. I don't want to have
to repeat that experiment but if any of you come to AX97 I will. Kodachi,
if you dye Shampoo's hair purple this incandescent color randominice and
the use of your average camcorder would probably make her hair look
black. I know how this can be settled. If any of you meet at a
convention, pool your cash together and buy a cell of Shampoo. Then take
it to the nearest Home Depot and have the color analyzed. I am confident
it will say something blue.


Message-Id: <>
From: "Seth Indermill" 
To: "Ranma ML" 
Subject: Shampoo's hair
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 21:42:39 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

  All this debate over hair color for Shampoo is pointless.  She has black
hair.  In the manga she has black hair so she has black hair, debate over.


Message-ID: <01BC12E5.3E969D00@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: HAIR
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 21:32:36 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Olin wrote:

>>We will accept NO compromise on this issue. Look in the anime. Shampoo's
>>is BLUE. Not purple. NOT blurple! It's blue!
>Haven't we been over this before?

Yes, but SOME people just don't learn!!!

Kun-chan wrote:

>This means that you have to watch the video in PAL to see the exact hair
>colour - and only if you do that, can you state that "Shampoo's hair
>colour is !" ... Because on NTSC, you can only say that "Shampoo's
>hair colour, on my video, seems to be  right now."
>And if you have SeaCam, don't bother. ;p

All right! I think we've heard enough outta you! ^_^
Geez! Trying to confuse people even further...

ANYWAY, people... Look on the box covers for the videos. Her hair is blue
in the majority of them. Understandably, some people may mistake a beautiful 
dark blue for a purple, but rest assured, it's blue.

Jason Hicks


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 22:07:00 -0600 (CST)
From: Lyn Daniel 
Subject: Shampoo's Hair
Reply-To: ranma

I vote for blue.  Based on RT's watercolor.  Enjoyed Kun-Chans 
explanation about the NTSC and PAL.


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 22:21:41 -0600
From: Albert Lunde 
Subject: Shampoo's hair
Reply-To: ranma

>Now, if you want to argue about colours, you can't argue if you've only
>seen the videos in NTSC. You have to have a standard like PAL.

Ok, I'm looking at the color pictures in the Ranma 1/2 Memorial Book.

In the full-page picture of Shampoo on the fold-out, her hair appears to be
a slate-blue (rather like a blue-gray).

In a number of other pictures where she's in the background, it sometimes
appears as a similar blue but a bit more saturated with blue.

*But*  there are still other group shots where her hair looks purple or pink.

I think it's partly just stylistic tricks with coloring, similar to
photographs with different light; Shampoo isn't the only one whose apparent
hair color varies here...

    Albert Lunde            


Message-ID: <01BC12EA.B23694E0@jdh>
From: Jason Hicks 
To: "'Ranma ML'" 
Subject: Cutting the hair (thread)
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 21:57:40 -0600
Reply-To: ranma

Shouryu Nohe wrote:

>       My point is, Okay already, you've stated that you state that it's 
>blue.  (Yes, I realize that sounded redundant and that it was 
>redundant.)  I'm not going to argue with you, and nobody else needs to, 
>because you're entitled to say what you like.  So are we.  So...please, 
>can we give it a rest, neh?
>       I never realized my comment would spark Nabs said in 
>The Two Akanes...Whoopsie!

Believe me, my friend, if I had anything better to discuss, I would! 
Well, I DO, actually, but I'll ask THAT later...

Anyway, you're right; we're all entitled to our opinions, even if the
opinions of SOME people are wrong! But that's what makes 
discussing it so fun; you can prove WHY you're right over 
someone else.

BTW, on the Super Battle game, you CAN select Shampoo so
she has an Ash Blonde type of hair color. Looks REALLY tacky, though.

And thanks to Ukyou and Ted, who supported me in this whole color fiasco! ^_^

Jason Hicks


essage-ID: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 23:15:37 -0600
From: Tendou Enaka 
Subject: Poo's hair

Shouryu Nohe wrote:

>         My point is, Okay already, you've stated that you state that it's
> blue.  (Yes, I realize that sounded redundant and that it was
> redundant.)  I'm not going to argue with you, and nobody else needs to,

Except me!!!

It's teal! :P
                          Tendou Enaka
       Student of the Tendou Kasumi School of Philosophy
6th Knight of the True Fiancee, resident of the Provence of Spam, Ruler
of the Curtains
Guardian of the 6th gate, of the 13UGMAs, Master of the Super
Crappuchino Spam Gum Gun
                           So there.


Message-Id: <>
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 1997 23:19:34 -0600
From: "LaShawn M. Taylor" 
Subject: Regarding Shampoo's Hair
Reply-To: ranma

I always thought it was lavender.
From Little LaShawn, Mistress of Perversion (
Glomper of Men's Boxers and wielder of the All Mighty Bic-Bombing Pen!
|^ ^|\    Ranma: What's more important? One brief moment of happiness, or the
 \v/\|    Nanniichuan Spring?!
    |\    Ryoga: One...brief...moment...
    \|                                  (Ranma 1/2)
          "It's good to be Bach, VERY good to be Bach.  This one's called 'Love
          at First Sight'.   [begin guitar intro] It's about debauchery and
          things like that."
                                        (XTC, Live in Concert, 1980)      

This post has been brought to you by T-bone Corporations and EoE,
an 'Equal Opportunity Ecchi' production, In Touch With Yours Truly


essage-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 01:10:49 -0500
From: Mortal 
Subject: what a boring matome okuri! And MortAL on Shampoo's hair.

> In the full-page picture of Shampoo on the fold-out, her hair appears to be
> a slate-blue (rather like a blue-gray).
> In a number of other pictures where she's in the background, it sometimes
> appears as a similar blue but a bit more saturated with blue.
> *But*  there are still other group shots where her hair looks purple or pink.
> I think it's partly just stylistic tricks with coloring, similar to
> photographs with different light; Shampoo isn't the only one whose apparent
> hair color varies here...
> ---
>     Albert Lunde            

I think Albert has hit on something here, and thus
I spawn my theory...
Shampoo's hair, and several of the other characters
who have hair that wold require fashion colour
matching, changes to complement the color scheme
of the picture. Thus, a Shampoo in a picture
with lots of bright colours might have a darker
color blue, or a sweet, candy purple, while
a Shampoo in a pic with lots of pastels or lighter,
gentler colours is more likely to have a flat
, or slate blue approaching a blend with the
surrounding pastels.
        Now this theory is completely unfounded
and undocumented, and unresearched, but it just
sounded nice, and I thought it made a good thought.
     Proprietor of the Tendo Kasumi School of Philosophy
      -Where education is the highest form of ignorance
   Visit the School @
       #Most Elitist Mler of 1996-97/#Most Posts 1996
 \_\_\_\_\_    \_  \_      \_\_\_\_      \_\_\_\_
      \_        \_ \_       \_            \_    \_
       \_        \_\_        \_\_\_\_      \_\_\_
        \_        \_ \_             \_      \_
         \_ENDO    \_  \_ASUMI \_\_\_\_CHOOL \_HILOSOPHY


Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 22:16:22 -0800 (PST)
From: Laura Louise Stoffer 
To: Ranma ML 
Subject: Shampoo's hair
Reply-To: ranma

It's periwinkle!!

-Saotome Laura

Founder of the Knighthood of the True Fiancee
Co-guardian of the First Gate 
Wielder of the gosunkugi for OLA (#shing# #shing#)
Member of the Church of Akane

YES!! I too have a web page!
or the Knighthood:


Message-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 19:17:12 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Shampoo 's hair

Jason said:

Ok it was a joke! *phew* Shampoo's hair is *roll of drums* either blue
or purple or violet. Maybe all 3 in 1. Like some kind of shampoos, you
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo


essage-ID: <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 1997 19:29:46 +0100
From: Ruben Cassar 
Subject: Shampoo 's hair part 2

Jason said:

Ok since this is making you so worried Jason, I will finally tell you
the truth. Shampoo's hair was blue, but after long exposure in the sun
it turned purple, however when she does not go out for long times and
decides to close herself in the dark (making me happy) it becomes pale
again and turns blue, just to get "burnt" by the sun again and change to
purple. :P Just joking, Shampoo's hair is blue...anyway who cares what
is the colour of her hair after all?
                        Ruben Cassar's Anime Page
              Vote for your favourite Ranma 1/2 character at
  Member of Akane's Dojo and Knight of the True Fiancee -> Akane Tendo

To The Shampoo Hair Color Debate, continued
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